How does private buyer-seller communication work?

As of June 27, 2024, CarGurus users cannot create new private listings, upgrade to featured listings, or extend current listings on the site. Once your listing expires, you will no longer have access to the messages about that listing. If you are in active conversations with a buy/seller, we recommend you move it to another venue prior to the listing expiration date. More information on the discontinuation of private listings from our site can be found here.

Prior to your listing expirating, our integrated messaging system will allow you to communicate with a buyer or a seller directly through your inbox on our website.


To reach out to a private seller, please use the contact form on the listing page to submit an inquiry (as seen below):

Please note that the "Make an Offer" tool is designed to streamline pricing negotiations, but does not bind either the buyer or seller to take any further action. Once this form is submitted, the private seller will be notified. When they respond, you will be sent a text or email notification which has a link to your inbox. You can also check your inbox at any time by going to "Messages" in the main menu:


If you are listing a vehicle and a shopper reaches out, you will get a notification in your personal email inbox that someone is interested in your car. This notification will have a link that redirects you to your inbox. You can also check your messages at any time by going to "Messages" in the main menu.

Your inbox will look similar to this:

If you are not brought to your inbox, we recommend logging out and then logging back in with the email address you used to list the vehicle. To reply to the inquiry, simply type your message in the specified field and click the arrow "Send" button on the right side of the text box. You can also set up a test drive by clicking the calendar icon on the left side. You can choose a location and multiple times that work best for both parties:


If you wish to opt out of receiving notifications, please go to your inbox and click the grey 'gear' to edit your notification settings:  

If you would like to report a user or turn off notifications for that thread, click on the three dots to the right of the date in the inbox:

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