What is the private sale estimate for my car?

As of June 27, 2024 CarGurus no longer supports the creation of Private Listings on our site. More information can be found here. If you wish to sell your car privately, there are number of other websites that support this service.

To assist you, visit our Car Values page to get an estimate for your car! Here we will show the private sale estimate of your vehicle:

Be sure to check the 'Private Sale Estimate' when entering your vehicle information on our Car Values page, as this will accurately reflect the IMV that will appear on your listing!

CarGurus uses IMV to determine whether each listed car is a Great, Good, Fair, or High priced deal. CarGurus strives to provide full transparency to the car shopping experience which we believe will ultimately help sell your vehicle.

If you want to sell your car on CarGurus, you can start here!

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