Where can I edit my listing?

As of June 27, 2024, CarGurus users cannot create new private listings, upgrade to featured listings, or extend current listings on the site. You will continue to be able to edit as long as your listing is active. More information about the discontinuation of this selling option can be found here.

If you want to change the price on your listing, edit information, or change or upload pictures, please log in and follow these instructions: 

1. Log in and click your screen name at the top of the page and select My Cars for Sale

2. From here you will be able to edit your photos:

3. To edit other information, select 'Manage' and then 'Edit Listing' 

You will then be redirected to a page that looks similar to when you first posted your vehicle. Make sure to save your edits! 

If you are using our mobile app, please go to the main menu and tap the 'My Cars for Sale' tab. Select the listing you would like to edit and then tap on 'Manage'.

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