How Do I Improve My Listing?

As of June 27, 2024, CarGurus users cannot create new private listings, upgrade to featured listings, or extend current listings on the site. You will continue to be able to edit as long as your listing is active. More information about the discontinuation of this selling option can be found here.

There are a number of things you can do to increase the visibility of your listing.

If you go to My Cars for Sale, you will find recommendations.

From your My Cars for Sale page, you can add more details to your listing description. The more information the better! An honest and well-thought-out description will let buyers know you are serious about selling your car. 

Private sellers are allowed up to 32 images. Be sure to take many high-quality photos that show multiple angles of the interior and exterior of the vehicle. Disclosing any mechanical or cosmetic issues upfront will develop trust with prospective buyers and lead to smoother transactions down the line.

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