Saved Listings and Searches: An Overview

Saved Listings

If you find a vehicle you are interested in, you can click the heart of the photo to view it later! You can access your saved listings by clicking on your screen name at the top right corner of the home page and scrolling down to saved cars:

To remove a saved listing, click "More Actions" and then "Remove from saved list".

Saved Searches

If you have a general idea of what you are looking for and would like to revisit the search results you've come up with, click the green "Save Search" button at the top of the screen so you view these same results later:

You will also have the option to subscribe to updates on these results. For more information on email subscriptions, click here.

To manage your saved searches, click on your screen name at the top right corner of the home page and scroll down to saved searches:

Then, select the search you wish to explore further: 

Note: You will only be able to save one search per make and model combination.

Check out some useful tips from our writers on finding used cars!

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