How do I search for a car?


To start your search, please enter make, model, and zip code into the form provided on the home page. If you aren't searching for a specific make, you can search by body style or price:

On the results page of our desktop site, you'll see a number of filters on the left side of the page. You can use these filters to further refine your search, including price, year, body style, fuel type, and features. 

You can also search exclusively for vehicles being sold privately or vehicles that are Certified Pre-Owned. 

Once you have entered your desired filters, you can save your results by clicking the green "Save Search" button at the top of the page:

To subscribe to this search, click the blue "Subscribe" button at the top of the page to enroll in email alerts:

You can also save a specific listing by clicking on the heart to the right of it.

Edit your saved searches, saved listings or email subscriptions at any time!

Visit our research page to read new car and test drive reviews (we have video reviews now, too). You can also see what other CarGurus users think about particular makes and models. We’ve specially curated this content to help every potential shopper find the perfect car for them.

We'd also encourage you to check out our guide on how to buy a used car as well as some pointers on what to look for.


To start your search, open the app and enter the make, model and zip code:

On the results page, you'll find a "Filter Results" button on the top of your search results:

You can use these filters to further refine your search, including trims, features, fuel type and more. You will also be able to save your search and subscribe to email updates that relate to your search criteria by clicking the "Save Search" button at the top of the screen. 

If you aren't searching for a specific make, click on the three lines in the bottom right corner of the home screen and select "Used Cars". From here you will be able to search by body style and price:

If a particular listing interests you, click the heart on the photo and you can visit it later in your "Saved Listings".

Additional FAQs! 

  • Why is my search radius limited? 
    • The maximum search radius will be smaller than when searching for a specific make and model. This is to prevent users from receiving an overwhelming amount of search results that may not be relevant.

      I don't see the filter I'm looking for!
    • If there are no vehicles within your search radius that match your criteria, certain filters may not appear. For example, if there are no Accords with a DX trim level that matches up with your other filters, "DX" will not appear in the "Trim" box.

      Can you provide a copy of an expired listing? 
    • CarGurus does not maintain an archive of closed or expired listings and we cannot link to a vehicle once the seller has removed it from the site. If the vehicle was listed through a dealership, we would recommend reaching out to them directly for any records they may have.

      Why can't I search for Dodge Rams older than 2010? 
    • RAM became its own making in 2010. You will be able to find the vehicle you are looking for by selecting Ram in the Make drop-down menu.

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